Thursday, January 8, 2009

Pardon me, is that Stetson you're Wearing?

Inspiration from this blog apparently happens anywhere. I was walking through Port Authority this morning after I had trotted off the bus and if anyone knows the good ol’ PA it’s not the best place to wander through. I believe it’s one of the remnants of pre-Guiliani New York cleanup in NYC. Seriously, it’s stuck in a time capsule of brown flooring and yellow rails from the 1970’s-80s. As I was walking along to my 9th avenue exit to walk to work, I’m strumming along to my Santogold CD on my ipod and I caught a whiff of something. (Normally whiffs of things in Port Authority consist of unpleasantries like homeless dudes or rotting food). However, this was a delectable smell of cologne. Ok, before you think I’m super creepy let me explain, because biology is on my side I promise!

Scientists around the world for eons have claimed that men and women are attracted to one another based on pheromones, or in other words your lovely scent. Obviously before the days of perfume and cologne this literally meant your natural scent. However, in my very fading knowledge of perfumeries, the purpose of the many perfumes is to enhance those pheromones. Therefore, as I’m walking I catch the smell of one of my favorite colognes ever! Lucky me! So now you’re probably wondering what the big deal of all of this is…

It’s simple. Men, wear cologne…PLEASE! The literally moment I inhaled that sweet, yet somewhat manly smell I was intoxicated, and I promise I’m not being overly dramatic. I was two seconds away from high-tailing it back around and walking up to said gentleman and asking him, “Sir, what are you wearing?” But, I figured it was before 9 A.M and I didn’t want to creep anyone out that early in the day before their morning coffee.

So many things in our lives are tied to the scents we associated with them. For instance, one of my co-workers said he cannot stand the smell of hot chocolate or chocolate milk because his parents forced fed some to him when he was 10 years old to take some medicine. I believe we all have scents along those lines that distinguishes aspects of our lives, particularly within relationships. Ladies, I’m sure you remember the exact cologne or scent that your man wore (when he did fancy up and wear cologne). If the breakup was unbearably excruciating I’m sure the feeling you get when you smell that isn’t the greatest right? Same for men. I’m sure you remember the shampoo smell that your woman showered with and it brings back good/bad/horrific memories to your psyche.

Of all our senses though, I think smell is the one that, pardon the pun, lingers the longest. It’s that one sense that I believe falls deep in our subconscious without us really recognizing exactly where our reactions to the scent come from. The question is though, can we ever really erase those scents from our psyches or are they always entrenched deep in the crevices of our minds to pop up at any given time?

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