Tuesday, December 30, 2008

These Are the Soundtracks of our Lives

Somedays I wish a soundtrack accompanied my daily movements. Ok, I lied…I wish that were every day. For instance, the other day I received multiple messages that were somewhat earth shattering to my daily bubble of obliviousness that I live in. When each of these messages came to me, I was listening to my ipod. Therefore, you’d think I was golden having music playing in my ears while receiving the details, yet I couldn’t help but think how inappropriate the Kanye West song I was listening to was.

So, I wish it were like the movies. You’re walking around, enjoying your lovely winter day and a message comes through from that what you thought was an awesome date the other night and the words “Let’s just be friends” comes out of their mouth. Listening to the mindnumbing bass of N.E.R.D and the lyric “All the girls standing in the line for the bathroom…” just wasn’t what you wanted to hear in your ear at that moment. Instead, why can’t some melodramatic mushy heartbroken song magically manifest? My life would make so much more sense if I had musical undertones blaring my feelings.

What if…someone created (ahem I mean me), a wonderful device that tapped into the neurons of your brain that dictated your feelings and connected them to your ipod. Then when you were feeling sad, a sad song would come on, or when you were happy an upbeat song played, if you were feeling dirty, a dirty song would play, etc. It’s like a mood ring for you ipod. GENIUS! If you steal this idea, Mr. Fancy Engineer of Complex Things Beyond my Intellectual Capabilities, I will sue your ass.

Even better, what if you could break up or explain people your feelings by touching your ipod and having a song play. SUPER GENIUS! I had an ex do that to me once. He said “Listen to Donnell Jones’ ‘Where I Wanna Be’ and it will clearly explain my feelings”. However, maybe it wasn’t quite the appropriate song for him to choose…oh well that’s another story.
Either way, music tends to make my world go round. It comforts, it soothes, it reinforces and excites my everyday movement. I think the taste of music someone has says a lot about that person, which is why I refuse to date someone who loves country music. Sorry, there’s just something about that genre of music that makes me cringe. And I’m sure if my mom reads this she will once again say that it only further proves her theory that I’m racist against white people.

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