Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Scientific Explanation on my Singleness

Ok, so to make all of us single women feel less bad about our singledom, now there is scientific evidence stating why we are single. Seriously? I cannot believe that the failure of women to find a mate has now been scientifically examined. For some reason I see this trend running the same lines as when back in the day men used to think that PMS was an unexplained psychotic hysteria that occurred in women. Now single-ness has become a scientific women. I guarantee no one is wondering or studying why so many men lack the mental, physical and intellectual aptitude to carry a monogamous relationship with a woman. So obviously is MUST be the women that are the problem. Rant is complete.

All right, so let's dig into this article that was sent to me from one of my friends:

So the basic premise (if you just didn't feel the necessity to read the article) is that women who are on the pill choose less suitable mates for themselves because the pill artificially puts women's bodies in a pregnant state thus removing many of the odor seeking tendencies that women look for when finding a suitable mate. Awesome.

Therefore, the pill I take every day is forcing me to seek men with similar scents, which would equate to why I'm meeting so many uninteresting men, or unsuitable men. Perfect explanation. I'm going to blame the magic pill that keeps me from popping out more confused females into the world.

So for men, who may or may not know the wonderful side effects of being on the pill, we now have 3 major ones that are really starting to slow up my progress on finding my prince charming.

  1. The pill makes you gain weight.
  2. It lowers your sexual libido.
  3. It apparently detracts you from finding the right man.

Those three things...well those are pretty big deals. Why are the odds so against us women? Why do men have the luxury of just throwing on a piece of latex (or lambskin) which really the only side effect (or so many men claim) is that "it doesn't feel the same" as being without one. Why don't condoms make men emotional? Or why don't they make it harder for them to get aroused? Or better yet why don't condoms keep them from getting with that hot girl at the bar that they are attracted to? Women instead get the short end of the stick.

Instead of a quick safety fix like men where all you do is unwrap the condom, but it on, use and throw away, women have to take a pill every day at the same time and are forced to "trick" their bodies into thinking they are already pregnant. Unfair, Unfair, Unfair! Yes I'm whining.

One of my friends challenged me to go off the pill for 6 months to see if I'd find my perfect man. I'm seriously considering it just to see if I can prove/disprove the scientists right. However that means well *ahem*, no ummm extracurricular activities. I'm sure you all got the hint there. I can certainly go without, but it is something to think about. I'll keep you updated.

In the meantime...please always practice safe sex whether you're monogamous or not. Stuff happens whether science has an explanation for it or not.

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