Thursday, May 14, 2009

Oh No, the Stars are Not Aligned, Sorry

I would like to believe in all things destiny in fate, but every once in awhile my logical brain as well as the ingrained Western values of free will slowly kick in and remind me that I have the ability to control my life and the path it follows. However, in times of uncertainty or when I feel like my life is wholly off-kilter, blaming things like cosmic forces and fatalistic destinies are much easier to absorb than thinking that I effed up my life, consciously. Now, as a curious follower, I do read my horoscope on a daily basis and I always find them so fascinating and utterly amusing. I will even admit when I’m with someone and I find out their birthday I google those crazy horoscope compatibility charts to see if our star signs align. Apparently Leos are good for me haha.

So as I read my daily horoscope and come across days where it tells me I will meet a mysterious stranger who sweeps me off my feet or I will follow my horrible Aries ways and come on too strong too early and kill the poor soul of a weak man, I couldn’t help but wonder what my love life would be like if I examined it as if it was pre-destined and horoscopes were my daily hints of what’s to come.

In sociology there is this great concept of self-fulfilling prophecies. Basically when someone tells you that you’re going to be a certain way enough, you begin to believe them. Case in point I tell myself how awesome I am and I totally believe it. So, therefore, if I convince myself that whatever my horoscope hints at is going to happen, it should happen right? That’s what the “Secret” is about right? Visualizing things coming into your life. It could work.

Maybe I should screw trying to control everything in my life and take some advice from the cosmos and think “no worries, someone else is taking care of it”. Some people may think that’s too constraining or that it extinguishes any sort of purpose to their lives if they know that someone else is in charge. However, to me knowing that someone or something else is taking care of it, well it’s kind of comforting. Because well, if I don’t find love, then I know it’s not me to blame, it was only just my purpose.

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