Sunday, December 21, 2008

Spellcheck Yo'self!

As a self proclaimed guru and founding member of online dating I feel like I have become a fairly good judge of people. OK, well maybe judge is a bad word, since that makes me feel like I have this unyielding power to proclaim who's awesome and who's not...well wait, never mind, maybe I do like that power. Anywho, since I've been doing the online dating for oh let's see 12 years (yes that means I started when I was 14 for those of you who forgot to know how to subtract once calculators were invented...I had liberal parents, what can I say?) then I think I've developed a very keen sense of knowing how a person will be once I meet them in person.

Normally based on a person's profile I have a fairly accurate depiction of how their personality will play off in real life. However, the better portrayals come from the short emails that are flown back and forth during the initial stages. For instance, on one of the sites, some guy emailed me and kid you not spelled the word "you" as "yu". Apparently it was just waaaaaayyy too much effort to type in that "o" to complete the word. Maybe it was just simpler since the "y" and the "u" keys are right next to each other. Either way, I said PASS! And then he had the nerve to get all huffy on me and say something to the effect of "hey, stop judging me because I'm an illiterate mess and can't spell and use proper grammar", except he actually misspelled grammar in the sentence...which further proved my point. (Mainly because I had used the word grammar in the note he was replying the word was right there, he could seriously just copied and pasted it, but that again must have been too much effort).

And OK, before you all jump my ass for my typos throughout my blog, I'll admit I'm being a hypocrite...kind of. If someone sends me a note and there's an occasional misspelled word here and there I let it slide, I'm not a spelling Nazi, I'll live. But when someone repeatedly misspells and uses bad grammar throughout a message, it almost looks like they're intentionally being stupid. Seriously fellas, nothing is more sexier than an intelligent man. OK, well maybe nice arms...a defined chest...gorgeous eyes...a killer smile...ahhh OK, you get the hint. Either way, intelligence is one of the things that is a NECESSITY when it comes to dating me. Some women can deal with mind numbingly boring conversations with someone who has the intellect of a piece of cardboard. I can't. I want someone who talks about interesting and thought provoking things that challenges me to google my heart out after I nod and pretend to know what they mean. Because God forbid I let a man think he knows more than me! GASP! That'll be the day.

So, point is, I'm not in college anymore. So I don't usually respond to "hey hottie", or "hey ma", or "hey yu sxe"I mean honestly, if you don't have the ability to type simple things with your digits, what makes me think you know how to use them for *ahem* other things? Think about it...and spell check yo'self before you wreck yo'self fool!

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