Monday, September 7, 2009

Got Bros in Different Area Codes?

As some of you may or may not know, I no longer live on the exciting, thrilling, fast paced E-coast. I know, shed your tears now. And yes, I know this somewhat defeats the name of the blog, but I think for posterity sake it still has relevance. So... now I'm back in the Midwest cornfields of Ohio searching for love, or something like it. It may not be as glamorous, but it still has it's share of funny stories, interesting observations and anecdotal advice.

Recently, I switched one of my online dating accounts to reflect my new locale and immediately I have noticed SIGNIFICANT differences in the courting/dating style of East Coast versus Midwest men. So, let's break it down, shall we?

Observation #1: Taste in men needs to change drastically.

All right, I know I won't win the adoration of Midwest men on this one, but I believe this theory has been confirmed by enough sources for me to assure its validity. Ok, so it's no surprise that men in each location vary in terms of looks, aspirations, jobs, values, etc. So, let me make a parallel to my point and look at dating much like working in different locations. Now, many people look at NYC as one of the "cream of the crop" locations in terms of finding competitive work. People there just have a certain sort of gusto about their career and inevitably that means you are working around some the smartest, most creative and diverse people in the world. Not to say these people don't reside anywhere else, but it always seems that there are large clusters of these people in metropolitan areas.

Now, in Ohio... well, I've noticed that first thing, diversity is extremely hard to find. I consider myself a fairly equal opportunity dater, but I do have a special place in my heart for those of the darker skinned persuasion, and well let's just say the pool of men dropped significantly moving to Ohio.

The other thing I noticed is that the looks of the men are completely different. In New York, you always saw the metrosexual type men who dressed in suits, wore hip clothing and were always on the cutting edge of style. Here... not so much. It's jeans and t-shirts all the way.

Observation #2: Less upfronted-ness (yeah, coin that phrase)

We all know New Yorkers and New Jersey folks are in your face about everything. Not much is left unsaid in a conversation with anyone from there, and no topic is off limits, especially sex. I was explaining this phenomenon to one of my friends and her husband the other night and I said that talking about sex on the East Coast is as breezy as talking about the weather. It's just one of those things that always comes up in conversation. Maybe it's the sexual energy of the city, or something in the water, but inevitably sex ALWAYS comes up in conversation, and it comes up QUICK. Here, I've been speaking with a few people with the potential of dating and NOT ONCE has sex come up. It's odd, yet very refreshing.

Observation #3: Dating radius is widened.

I live in the middle of nowhere of Ohio, so it's very refreshing that people here have no problem traveling 2-3 hours simply to date someone. It helps me, simply because if I had to date in a 20 mile radius I'd be completely f'ed. Big time. In NJ, you rarely, if ever could get a Manhattan guy to cross the bridge to NJ for a date (and that's only 3 miles). Hell, I even did it. "Oh you live in Queens? Man that's the furthest borough away from me....I think I'll pass." Or "You live down near the shore in South Jersey? That's a lot of tolls...I don't think so."

Either way, dating in any location has its nuances, and I'm extremely excited to test the waters here and really compare some notes and see what happens.